So I just learned that the Nobel Prize medallions for each category have different classical images on the reverse side. (The front side has an image of Nobel himself.)

The reason it caught my eye is that I have Google alerts set up for “Goddess Isis.” The reverse of the Nobel medallion for chemistry was described as “the image of the Goddess Isis, symbolizing the pursuit of knowledge.”

And so it does; kind of.

If you look closer, you’ll see that the female figure being unveiled is labeled Natura while the one doing the unveiling is Scientia. Natura might be wearing a robe with an Isis knot, but we can’t quite tell as Her robe has conveniently fallen down to reveal Her breasts.

Nevertheless, this is a very alchemical image—and so the Nobel designers of the chemistry prize were brilliantly taking chemistry’s history into account. And yes, in the alchemical texts, Isis is often assimilated with Nature (and Venus and the Moon and…). Though it is usually the alchemist who is unveiled our Veiled Isis-Natura.

That’s all. Just thought it was interesting and I like to share with you all those little Isiac tidbits I find.