I am not usually the triple exclamation point type. But I feel justified this time. As of this time next week, the new edition of Isis Magic will be at the printer’s going through all its “pre-production” processes.

Then, within about a month, we should have them available for purchase!!! (Oops, the exclamation points got away from me again.)

So here’s the plan. They’re going to be sold at the exact same cover price as (more than) 10 years ago—$29.95. Such a deal, right? We’re not selling them on Amazon (lots and lots of hoops). We will be selling them on our own site (which we will be constructing while the books are printing.) You’ll be able to get them via PayPal or with the credit card of your choice (you don’t have to have a PayPal account) at www.abiegnushouse.com. Right now, the site is under construction, as you will see if you go there.

Here is a picture of the new front and back covers. The front cover photo is of the Isis shrine that is in our very own backyard. The reason we chose this is to demonstrate that Isis is being worshipped today, now, right here, at this very moment, and yes, it’s all very real indeed (but, of course you already know that ;).

The new cover of Isis Magic in all its pre-printed glory
The new cover of Isis Magic in all its pre-printed glory. Click on the photo for a larger image.

I am also thrilled to have comments from Normandie Ellis and Donald Michael Kraig to grace the back cover. And that doesn’t count all the wonderful words from so many of you; there wasn’t enough room on the back, so we put them inside.

And just so you know, the 10th Anniversary Edition of Isis Magic contains new meditations and rituals. So even if you have the first edition, you might want this one, too. For instance, there’s a lengthy and important new rite for the Prophet/ess of Isis: The 12 Hours of the Night. Plus we corrected some things that I wasn’t happy with first time around. And there are new photos, illustrations, and diagrams. And of course, we will have additional information online, too. I really think you will like it.

Please do me a great big fat favor and share this with any of your friends and acquaintances who you think would be interested in owning a copy. We could only afford to print 2500 copies, so if you or someone you know wants one, please order right away. I will keep you up to date on availability right here on Isiopolis.

I’m pretty excited (as you might be able to tell). Please add your heka to Isis Magic and help spread the love of Isis…well, everywhere She wants to go!